Lifetime Warranties Available | Maryland State Licensed and Virginia Licensed General Contractor
Lifetime Warranties Available
Maryland State Licensed and Virginia Licensed General Contractor
Yes! Building on over 60 years of Welding and Fabrication experience, L&L Inc can produce many other custom-made aluminum and iron products according to our customer's designs. Our staff of AWS Certified Welders and Fabricators have the skills, knowledge and ability to turn your custom idea's into a reality! So please feel free to send us your designs, samples and or reference material, so we may evaluate the possibility to produce your project.
Powder coating is a type of coating that is applied as a free-flowing, dry powder. The main difference between a conventional liquid paint and a powder coating is that the powder coating does not require a solvent to keep the binder and filler parts in a liquid suspension form. The coating is typically applied electrostatically and is then cured under heat to allow it to flow and form a "skin". The powder may be a thermoplastic, a thermoset polymer or a fluoropolymer. It is usually used to create a hard finish that is tougher than conventional paint. Powder coating is mainly used for coating of metals, such as aluminum extrusions, architectural building materials (guardrails) and automobile and bicycle parts.
Before applying the powder coating the material is prepared to ensure strong and lasting adhesion. For aluminum applications the preparation consists of six stages. Stages one and two are an alkaline wash, stages three and four are a reverse osmosis water rinse, stage five is a silane pretreatment and stage six is a reverse osmosis water mist. After this is complete the powder coating is applied. For steel applications the steel is media blasted to remove millscale then put through the same wash process as aluminum applications. For additional information please visit
The amount of time powdercoat will last depends on the type of powder coat used and location. There are four different types commonly used in the industry, AAMA 2603, AAMA 3604, AAMA 2605 and Fuoropolymer. The conditions used to test these types are conditions found outdoors in south Florida (high heat, humidity and exposure to salt water). AAMA 2603 will last approximately 1 year in south Florida conditions with minimal adhesion loss and fading. AAMA 2604 will last approximately 5 years in south Florida conditions with minimal color change, about 50% gloss reduction and less than 10% erosion. These first two will last the shortest times of the four and are therefore not used by L&L Inc.
AAMA 2605 will last approximately 10 years in south Florida conditions with minimal color change, about 50% gloss reduction and less than 10% erosion. This is our standard coating due to its durability and cost-effectiveness. For saltwater applications or upon customer request we use Fluoropolymer which lasts up to 20 years under south Florida conditions with minimal color change, about 50% gloss reduction and less than 10% erosion.
In most cases, a simple spray from a garden hose will suffice in keeping your new fence or rail looking good for years and years to come. Constructed from high-strength alloy, with a minimum 35,000 psi. Our products are designed to handle the elements as they are extremely durable and will not rust.
No, you will not need to repaint your rail or fence. Our standard powder coat finish is twice the thickness and hardness of typical wet coatings on the market today. This process allows our products to remain fade and scratch resistant so the color will stay true.
Railing and Fencing - Products that are purchased through a vendor or manufacturer and installed only by L&L Inc are covered by the manufacturer's warranty (See manufacturer's website for Details).
L & L Rail & Fence offers a 3-year warranty on the installation of these products. (Conditions apply)
Misc. Metals - Raw materials, powder coated finishes, pre-cast concrete and hardware are covered by the manufacturer's warranty. (See Manufacturers website for specifics).
L & L Rail & Fence offers a 3-year warranty on the manufacturing and installation of these products. (Conditions apply)
1. L&L Inc is a full line manufacturer, distributor and installer of all railing types.
a. Ornamental iron
b. Ornamental aluminum
c. Stainless steel
d. Vinyl
e. Cable
f. Glass
g. Custom
2. L&L Inc. is a dealer for the following manufacturers:
a. Fairway building products
b. Carfaro - design build division of fairway building products
c. Westbury aluminum railings
d. Ultralox interlocking
e. Superior aluminum products, inc.
3. L&L Inc. also provides design / build services for projects with specific design requirements. Included in this scope:
a. Design services
b. Architectural review
c. Engineering
d. Manufacturing
e. Galvanizing
f. Powder coating
1. Color options vary based on the manufacturer (Refer to manufacturer's website for details)
2. Custom-made products by L&L Inc - We offer a selection of available colors which range in price. These standard rail and fence coating's offerings meet AAMA 2604 voluntary specification performance requirements and test procedures for high-performance organic coating on aluminum extrusions and panels and optional coatings to meet AAMA 2605 compliance are available. All products are covered by the manufacturer's warranty protection plans.
1. Guardrail - any walking surface with a 30" plus drop (Fall hazard).
2. Handrail - handicap ramps and stairs (Both sides typical)
3. 2 - line pipe rail - ramps where the top of grade and top of the ramp are even or the ramp has a curb.
4. 2 - line pipe rail with toe rail - ramps where the top of the grade is below the top of the ramp.
5. Cane rail - required where visually impaired persons could potentially walk into an object that protrudes out into the walkway. ( Ground level stairs typical )
6. Stairs - any stair that has 2 steps (3 rises) Interior or exterior including sidewalks.
1. Guardrail
A. Height - stairs - 42" min. - from stair tread nosing to top of the handrail
B. Height - ramps - 42" min. - from the walking surface to the top of the handrail
C. Picket spacing - 3.99" max. (3 15/16" typical)
D. Sweep space - level rail - 3.99" max. (2" typical)
E. Sweep space - rake / Stair rail - 6" max. Sphere between tread / Riser and bottom rail.
2. Handrails
A. Height - stairs - 34" - 38" - from stair tread nosing to top of handrail (36" typical)
B. Height - ramps - 34" - 38" - from walking surface to the top of the handrail (36" typical)
C. Graspability - cross-section 1 â¼" min. X 2" max.
D. Projection from wall
- 2 3/8" clearance min. From the mounting surface to the inside of handrail.
- 1 1/2" clearance from the top of HR bracket to bottom of the handrail.
E. The maximum spacing between handrails is 96 inches. In applications where the distance between the 2 outside handrails is greater than 96 inches, an intermediate handrail is required.
Yes, the standard attachment method is to "surface mount" the railing by mechanically fastening the post base plate into the decking substrate below. Alternative attachment methods such as "fascia mounted" by attaching the post to the exterior face of the structures rim joist, "core mounting" into concrete substrates or "soil mounting" directly into the ground are also available. Our representative will be able to discuss other alternative mounting methods, should your application require such during your initial consultation.
L&L Inc is a full-line manufacturer, distributor and installer of all fence types.
a. Ornamental iron
b. Ornamental aluminum
c. Chainlink
d. Vinyl
e. Wood
f. Custom
L&L Inc. is a dealer for the following manufacturers
a. SPS Centurion - ornamental iron
b. SPS AFS - ornamental aluminum
c. SPS chainlink
d. SPS generations - vinyl
We also provide design/build services for projects with specific design requirements. Included in this Scope:
a. Design services
b. Manufacturing
c. Galvanizing
d. Powder coating
a. Height - 72" minimum measured from the highest ground elevation within three feet adjacent to the outside of the barrier. The fence or barrier shall be non-climbable from the outside of the enclosure. "Non- climbable" shall mean no handholds, footholds, horizontal members, or other features that are available, which would aid in climbing the fence from outside of the barrier. There shall be no objects within a six foot arc from the top of the perimeter fence or barrier and no closer than three feet to any part of the fence or barrier.
b. Spacing between rails - Top planes must be separated by a vertical distance that is no less than 45".
c. Spacing between pickets - 3.99 maximum spacing
d. Spacing between ground and underside of lowest rail - 1 ¾" maximum spacing
e. Pickets - Pickets are not to project thru the lowest horizontal rail (Flush bottom Rail)
f. Gates - Access gates installed in the perimeter fence or barrier shall have latches, be self-closing and self-latching and lock release mechanisms must be at least 54" above the deck or ground surface.
The primary problem is the design of stair systems that are installed by general contractors to reduce the cost of construction. Regardless of the type of stair system you have if it is not designed to drain water and circulate air, oxidation will occur which reduce the life expectancy of the system.
Typical issues:
1. Lamination of steel over steel and concrete over steel. This design allows moisture to get trapped between the two components preventing water from draining and air from circulating causing oxidation. As oxidation occurs the steel deteriorates from the inside out. Oxidation can create enough pressure to shear the welds creating a life safety hazard.
2. Uncoated re-bar in structural precast treads also oxidizes creating enough pressure to fracture the concrete also creating a life safety hazard.
3. The use of calcium and sodium ice melt products accelerates this process. Only magnesium ice melt products should be used on these applications. All ice melt products reduce the lifespan of any type of material used, magnesium is the least caustic of the 3 types of ice melt.
L&L Inc. has designed their products to drain water and circulate air eliminating the design flaws that create life safety hazards and require regular maintenance to keep tenants safe and maintain curb appeal. Pan poured treads are not recommended for exterior use. We recommend structural precast concrete treads with steel stringers designed as follows.
1. Tread brackets - ¼" x 4" flat bar (Eliminates lamination of bracket to stringer)
2. Epoxy coated re-bar in bottom? of tread (Eliminated fracturing of treads)
3. Grade 316 stainless steel hardware (Will not Oxidize)
4. Bolt in Toe kicks / Neoprene washers (Create a ?" gap between the tread bracket and tread allowing water to drain and air to circulate)
5. All components are manufactured, media blasted, epoxy primed and powder coated (Provides the highest quality finish possible for Maximum durability)
Licenses: Arlington county, County of Fairfax, City of Fairfax, Commonwealth of Virginia, State of Maryland
MMHA Member